Sometimes, even if he tells you the magic words, you just don't know if he's here to stay or if this great relationship is actually, in his mind, just temporary for him. So, you may want to know what to do to see through the confusion:
The Sign in His Eyes
Do you see how some people's eyes light up when they see the person they love? It could be a child, a spouse, a lover, but their eyes suddenly emanate warmth and happiness the moment the object of their love enters a room.
Are you allowed 'in his circle'?
If you have been dating for a while he'll want you to meet the significant people in his life; mother, father, close relatives or his best friend, whomever he feels closest to. No matter how embarrassing it may be for him, he'll want to share this with you.
He makes little sacrifices for you
His favourite TV shows, his favourite friends-get-together, his favourite sports event, none of that really matters to him anymore. He finds it all insignificant if he faces the choice of doing something that he knows makes you happy or opting out to do undertake his 'old' activities.
He shares his deepest feelings and secrets
Intimacy is not only physical. In fact, real intimacy comes from the mind. If he shares his innermost secrets, his experiences, his childhood memories (good or bad), he is stretching out to truly connecting with you, which is something we do only with those we truly cherish.
Do you feature in his future?
Does he say 'we' (meaning he and you) when he talks about the future? Does he feature you in his future plans? Does he mention a future holiday for the two of you? A time when you 2 may move in together? If so, you're on the right track to real love.
Loyalty is very important if a relationship is made of true love and is going to last. As a very last resort, you could get someone really attractive (whom he does not know) to hit on him to check his reaction (as a very last resort, and he must never find out). Alternatively, attentively see how he reacts to others' flirting towards him.