Thursday, October 14, 2010

Find Someone to Love: Things to Consider When Searching for Someone to Love

Still single and loveless at this time? How long must you wait for that someone special to arrive in your life? Are you already feeling hopeless that you will no longer experience the magic of love? Well, why not take the initiative and do your own searching instead of just wasting your time waiting?
A lot of women are probably in this type of situation and are still clueless as to how they can solve their dilemma and find someone to love. Should they choose the conservative way and just wait for prince charming to arrive or should they go out and do the searching themselves?
If you prefer to do the latter, then there are a couple of tips or things to consider when you start searching for that person you can love for real.
1. Believe in Love
Believing in love is important in order to appreciate its significance in our lives. To find someone to love, the person must believe in love first before anything else. One cannot be successful in finding that one person to love if the person him/herself does not even believe in the magic of love.
2. Be Willing to Get Hurt
Being in a relationship is a risky thing. You will experience love but you will also get hurt at the same time. To find someone to love, you also have to be open to the possibility of getting hurt along the way. No pain no gain they always say and this also applies in love and relationships. If you've been hurt before then think of it as something that can make you much stronger than you already are when it comes to dealing with love and everything about it.
3. Never Lose Hope in Love
It is not easy to find someone to love. Often times you will feel that you have already found that one person you can love for the rest of your life only to be devastated in the end when the person decides to call it quits. This, however, should not be reason enough to lose hope in love. Learn to take it as a challenge.
4. Be Determined Enough
It takes time to find someone to love. You will encounter many ups and downs in your search for that someone to love and if you are not that determined to go for it then you will surely lose sight of that love you've been searching for.
5. Learn to Let Go
Most people will say that they will not give up on the one person that matters to them. However this should not always be the case. The person may be the one that matters to you the most but is the feeling reciprocated? Try to be sensitive when it comes to how the other person feels. Instead of being blinded by your emotion, learn to let go of that love you've been holding on if the other person has already let go of yours. Go and find someone to love again and maybe this time it will be for keeps.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Does Love End?

Well, it can, but it doesn't always.
No doubt the original author of this question is referring to the love between two people. Not the love of a parent for a child, or vice versa. That is love which rarely ever ends. It is completely unconditional and can surmount any number of difficulties and problems.
But between two people love can behave in many ways. For some it is suddenly realised; for others it grows almost surreptitiously, creeping up gently on the unsuspecting - making them aware of feelings they never thought they had.
It is a remarkable experience to become aware suddenly that you love someone. Perhaps it is someone you have known for many years as a friend. Out of the blue, the love you feel for them can hit you right between the eyes.
Charles Dickens described this beautifully in the scene between David Copperfield and Agnes. They had been childhood friends, always close confidantes. Agnes had supported him through his marriage to Dora and after Dora's death. David had gone away to attempt to restart his life, but on returning, his eyes are suddenly opened, and he tells Agnes, 'I went away loving you, I stayed away loving you, I came back loving you.'
When love is young and new it carries an urgency which sweeps aside all possible problems and drawbacks. Everything and everyone is seen through rose-colored glasses, particularly the one we love. We are carried away and carried along by the sheer power of the emotion involved. Nothing, we think, could possibly happen to change the way I feel today.
But things do change. Lives can change. People can change. And as these changes take place cracks and strains can begin to appear in what had previously been thought of as the most solid structure imaginable - your love.
When this happens it is perfectly possible for the two people involved to work on the new situation, to solve the new problems, and to save the love they have for each other, although that love may become transmuted along the way into quite a different thing. Wonderful and worth striving for in its own way, but different.
However, sometimes, if nothing is done, the love ends. It just dies. It may die imperceptibly. What was love can become mutual tolerance and eventually mutual intolerance - and then the love is probably lost for good.
Of course, this is desperately sad whenever it happens, and it can take some time to get over the experience. But perhaps this is a more realistic approach to life. To love, to lose the love and then to find love again with someone else. Is this not preferable to continuing a situation of mutual tolerance at best, when love has gone and all the passion and desire remains just a vague memory?
Love does end, but not always, thank goodness.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Relationship Questions to Ask Your Lovers

Love is said to be the gift of God. Scientific explanation of this very important and basic emotion has been tried by a number of researchers and scientists. To evaluate the depth of your relationship there may be some relationship questions to ask your lover.
Whatever the inception causes may be there for this divinely gifted sentiment; there always remain unseen barrier between the two soul mates.
Every relationship, be it love, business, friendship etc, is a two-sided game and each partner has to understand the other fully to make the relationship successful. Knowing your love partner is one of the difficult tasks of the world. The questions one should ask his or her love partner have quite a variety like personal, social, etc.
One of the few initial relationship questions to ask your lover might be about his/her likings. One may ask the other partner about the things he/she likes and the things he/she dislikes for example. What is his or her favorite color, food cuisine, book, music, hobby, etc? What place he or she likes to go quite often, what sort of qualities he or she sees on first meeting with any person.What are his future plans.What sort of company your partner enjoys, what he or she thinks of love in general. How one will behave on first date etc.
But as the relationship progresses you have to be more precise. Like what is your standing in his or her life. Try and observe if he spends more time with you or alone. Does he share the happenings or any important thing with you? Of course, one can't ask these things bluntly so have a keen observation. Have his or her ideas on difference between love, lust and sex.Take his opinion on sexual liaison. There may be some relationship questions to ask your lover to find out the reality and bounding of your relation. An important question to ask could be importance of money in your partner's life. Now asking such questions can give you a deeper insight of the sort of relationship and the partner you have and whether you should continue or stop.
To broaden the base of your relationship you can add such relationship questions to ask your lover, as about the company of friends he or she holds. Inquire about the harmony your partner shares with his parents, siblings and other closely related people. Take in account his or her relationship with office colleagues or class fellows. Also notice your beloved's attitude towards your own family. The way he or she meets your family, see if he or she attends the important family functions etc.
Human relationships are very unique and complex in nature. Almost all the species in the world enjoy certain relations and bondages in one form or the other. But the involvement of emotions in the relations remains unique with the humans only. Such relationship questions to ask your lover may be like opening up of new vistas of the very scared relationship of love between the two soul mates. The earlier one knows about the other partner, the stronger will be the relationship of love in future.