Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Best Valentines Day Gift for Someone You Really Want to Impress

While Valentines Day is a pretty standard holiday of love with the expected box of chocolates and maybe a flower bouquet couldn't you imagine going a different route? The best Valentines Day gift for someone your really want to impress could be a bit more creative don't you think? I know as a woman I imagine something different at this special holiday of love. I'm tired of flowers, jewelry, candy and wish my lover would put some effort into it and do something with a bit of thought and originality.
It is here, oh yes the day of the change is here. Today I share with you a very exciting and romantic idea that will have your special person, man or woman, feeling like the most special sweetheart in the entire world. It's the gift of a love song. Every couple either has a love song or collection of love songs that are special to them or they're looking for their special love song. What you do is buy your lover a personal music player and download your special songs onto it. This is your gift of love to them and one they will take with them everywhere and everyday cherishing the beautiful music reminding them of you and how romantic you are.
A special and thoughtful gift like this will not be forgotten. It will build a stronger more intense bond between you and your lover. You two will share this special little secret that will remind your sweetie of your thoughtful nature every time they listen. No matter where they are or what their doing you will be apart of it regardless of the miles a part. So enjoy giving your special partner in life a true and touching gift of love on this holiday of love. The best gift for someone you really want to impress is hands down the gift of your special love songs.
Here is what I've got; an interactive website to pick and choose the best iPod and love songs for someone you want to impress! Jump over to love songs and become a gift giving legend!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Romantic Things to Say: Words to Make Him Fall in Love

Are you in a relationship with a guy but is not sure if he is in love with you or not? Have you been thinking of the right words to say to make him fall for you? Do you still need help when it comes to your list of romantic things to say to finally make him confess his love for you?
In a relationship, it is important to have the bond of love. There are relationships however that are not based on love but this does not mean that the individuals involved do not have the right to fall in love eventually. If you are one of these women who are in such type of relationship, you do not have to lose hope. You can still make your guy fall for you if you know the romantic things to say that can break his hardened heart. Women must know that there are a lot of romantic things to say to the guys that can have positive results and these can include the following:
1. You May Not be Perfect but I Like You Just the Same: This is one of those romantic things to say that can surely make a guy fall for you. To a guy, hearing this from a girl can mean that he does not have to change anything about him and the girl will like him for what he truly is. Most guys dread being in a relationship for the reason that most often than not, women have this tendency of changing them into someone that they're not.
2. You Had Me at Hello: This is a favorite line in movies and may sound cheesy however this can also be one of the romantic things to say to your guy. This means that there must have been something special about your guy for him to awaken your heart with just the word hello.
3. With You I feel at Home: Most women consider this line one of the romantic things to say to a guy. This means that the guy can make you feel secure and you feel so comfortable being with him. With this line, what you are really trying to say is that you have finally found your heart's home and it's with him. Guys will surely fall for these words. This line may be as simple as it sounds but it speaks volume.
4. I Miss You: Another one of the romantic things to say to a guy. Though this is one of the commonly used lines in conversations, still these words never fail to stir one's emotion. These words speak of longing, a powerful emotion. If you long for a guy it means that you cannot bear to be without him and cannot bear not to see him.
5. I Love You: It is always said that you should never to say these words unless you really mean it. It is because these words signify the most powerful emotion of all and that is love. Love can move mountains, that's how powerful it is and to say these words just for the sake of saying it is betraying that powerful emotion that each individual possesses. This tops the list of the most romantic things to say to your guy. Once you say this there's no more turning back.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Signs That You Are Falling For Your Best Friend

If you are already starting to have a special feeling for your best friend, admitting it may put your friendship in jeopardy. This is why it is best to determine if it is love or just infatuation before acknowledging what you feel. This article will help you determine what you really feel for your best friend.
Primarily, if you are starting to feel something different towards your best friend, the first thing that will hit you is confusion. You may ask yourself if you're really in love or the feeling is just platonic. The best thing to do is to look inside your heart and really think about what you're going through. However, if you have become extra concerned to your best friend and your desire for that person's happiness is stronger than before, chances are you're in love.
Usually, if you are head over heels in love, you can never get him or her out of your mind. You will clearly remember every detail about that special person. You smile whenever you think about the moments you spent together. If that person happens to be your best friend, then think again if you just want to be friends or more than friends.
If you are slowly changing the way you dress or you spend more time in the shower and in front of the mirror just to look good, then you might be in the verge of falling in love. People who are in love spend more time grooming and looking their best when meeting with someone they really like.
Trust is one indicator of love. When we love somebody, we give our total trust because we strongly believe that whatever happens, that person will never break our trust. If your best friend is the first person you inform about important things in your life, and even your heartaches and frustrations, then that simply shows that you trust your best friend than any other person you know.
Hopefully, this article was able to fix and answer your questions about your feelings for your best friend. So, if you now realize that you are really in love with your best friend, then go and let that person know. You will never know if the feeling is mutual if you don't make a move.